Unlock Your Leadership Potential with a Free Working Genius Assessment

Apply now to receive a complimentary Working Genius assessment and a 1-hour debrief with a Certified Working Genius Facilitator.


Unlock Your Leadership Potential with a FREE Working Genius Assessment

Apply now to receive a complimentary Working Genius Debrief Session, which includes a free Working Genius assessment license and a 1-hour debrief session.

- Phillip Holmes, Certified Working Genius Facilitator
- Phillip Holmes, Certified Working Genius Facilitator

$275 Value


What's Included

Working Genius

Assessment & Debrief

  • Personalized Report

  • Description of your Working Geniuses, Working Competencies, Working Frustrations

  • Application Section

  • Team Map Analysis Example

  • 1 Hour Working Genius Debrief Session with a Certified Working Genius Facilitator

Qualified TO HELP YOU SUCCEED in Work and Life

A Certified Working Genius Facilitator


What People Are Saying

"The Highest Good assessment/workshop helped us figure out how to apply our team's Working Geniuses to our actual work life. We're now playing to our strengths, identifying and filling gaps, and collaborating better than ever! Not only is our team happier at work but we've become far more efficient and effective."

- Sarah Y.

"The Working Genius highlighted my knack for seeing both the big picture and detailed challenges in our discussions. My perspective became a valuable asset, prompting our team to rethink projects and involve all key stakeholders. It was exciting to learn that my drive to help others had a specific name!"

- Tracy H.

"Working Genius significantly helped us understand each other's strengths and weaknesses. As a result, we were able to reassign tasks and establish standard operating procedures, ensuring the success and well-being of our team. We observed measurable improvements in our productivity and team culture."

- Dee H.